Saturday, December 18, 2010

Graduation Day

Well - it's finally over. Sometimes the past two years of my life seem to be a blur, others they seem filled with events and emotions that made me grow dealing with grad school, others not so much. I made a concious effort to enjoy every single moment of this day, and the people that spent it with me. I always find the closing of a chapter in life a little bittersweet. Something I've been working so hard toward and putting my effort into, no longer needs my effort, not in the same way anyway. Wonder what the next chapter will hold...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Doctor Delima

So here's the honest truth - I do EVERYTHING I can to avoid the doctor's office. I don't know if it comes from my fear of needles, or the fact that every time I go I lose between 2-4 hours of my life waiting because my family doctor doesn't take appointments. He's the sweetest old man, but perhaps the most old fashioned one I know. You go in, sign your name on the list and wait...or get his receptionist to call you back with a good time to come when you might not have to wait as long, but will probably still have to wait an hour.

With that being said, for the past three days I've put off a trip to the doctor. My ear hurts so bad now I'm considering a trip to the ER...then I think...well I can sit there three hours too...or sit here and wait for the doctor to open...So I'm sitting...waiting...Knowing that an ear ache doesn't go away on it's own and should have been taken care of three days ago...why am I so stubborn?