Thursday, August 18, 2011

Highlights of Summer

Today started my seventh year working for NRMPS. Sometimes college feels like a lifetime ago...and sometimes the first day in my classroom feels like yesterday. I've been preparing mentally all week for today's return to the creek. This will be my fourth year as a media specialist and my first full year of not working on grad school while working - that is a huge relief!

A few days ago I was reflecting on the time I had this summer to do exactly what I wanted. This is the first summer in four that I haven't been either in grad school or working a part time job, or both. I thought I would share with some of my faithful readers the fun that I had this summer with a little countdown (these are in no particular order):

BABY LOVE - I had the chance to visit with the Griffin's and their little girl Natalie. She is such a smart girl! At a little over nine months she is now working on her walking skills. I was able to spend some time with the Carmichael's and their little girl Lydia. She at almost a year is walking all over the place and saying a few words. Last but not least I spent a little time with Lindsay and Collen this summer. It has been amazing watching these three little ones learn and grow over the past year.

WILMINGTON - I only made it to Wilmington once this summer, but boy did I enjoy my time there. I always like staying with Amy, Gary, and now Lydia. While I was down I also got to spend a day with Jason and meet his brother Jeremy.

READING - I have so enjoyed reading books this summer that I picked and not that someone told me to read. This summer I read HEAVEN IS FOR REAL, CRAZY LOVE, TILLY, THE GUERNSEY LITERARY AND POTATO PEEL PIE SOCIETY, THE HELP (that was really more of the Spring), and I am now working on REASON FOR GOD and A LINEAGE OF GRACE.

JULY 4th - So - usually this is just an okay holiday for me. I always enjoy spending the weekend at the lake with family and friends and a good fireworks show...but this year JULY 4th would certainly be on the top ten list (if there was one). I spent the weekend at the lake and Jason came up to join in the fun. *insert cheesy music here* - I've always wondered what it would be like to do things that have always been a 'tradition' - like the lake at fourth of July and the fireworks - with someone else. It was such a great experience sharing this with Jason. We also had a blast with some friends from his home church on Monday.

DISNEY WORLD - Blaire and I went to Disney world this year! We had wanted to go after our fifth year of teaching but Blaire's liver had other ideas, so we did it after year six instead. We stayed at a 'grown up resort' this time as opposed to a kid friendly. We had a great view of Cinderella's Castle from our beach area and could get to most of the parks on the monorail. It was a lot of fun! Look for more pictures and a separate post later.

LAKE GASTON - Well - if you know me at all you should have known this was coming. I absolutely love lake Gaston. It's the one place that I can go and completely relax! I was able to spend time there with Blaire, Tracy, Jennifer, my family, many other friends, and Jason this year. I even got brave enough last week to 'teach' Jason how to drive the wave runner. Again, if you know me at all you know this was a challenge b/c I don't like riding on any sort of transportation with anyone. He did such a great job of making me feel safe...until...he decided we need to do a few donuts and the waves tipped us right over...when I knew I was going off the wave runner I grabbed his life jacket and took him with me. :)

MOVIES - I've seen some GREAT movies this summer both at theaters and rented from Red Box. These include: GREEN LANTERN, TRANSFORMERS, WINNIE THE POOH (hey we all know I am a six year old at heart), THE SMURFS, SOUL SURFER, GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, and THE HELP.

BIBLE STUDY - My Bible study group wrapped up a six week study in early August called HE SPEAKS TO ME. I really enjoyed the time of fellowship and growth with some awesome ladies this summer. God has amazed and blessed me beyond what I deserve over the past year.

JASON - Okay - I might embarrass him, or perhaps myself, but you have seen that I've mentioned him several times in the above list. There's no doubt in my mind that this summer was so great because of him. It amazes me how an experience (like the lake on fourth of July, or the aquarium) that you have done many times in your life can be almost brand new when you have someone to share them with. That's all I'll say about that...for now. :)

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